Deepening nature connection

Becoming more finely attuned to our selves and other living beings and to natural phenomena and cycles can help to bring us into a more harmonious relationship with ourselves, each other and the natural world. In getting to know particular places and their inhabitants, we can build relationships of care and act in service of all life.

I have been teaching nature connection courses and workshops since 2012, drawing on a wide range of experience and learning. I have trained in biomimicry, bushcraft and tracking, wildlife identification, wild food foraging, natural navigation, permaculture design and ecopsychology.

Participants learn practices to develop their ability to notice through close observation and heightened sensory awareness, and cultivate qualities of patience, slowness, empathy and humility. The aim is to integrate these practices into daily life.

Practices include:

  • body-mind and sensory awareness
  • natural navigation and place familiarisation
  • animal tracking and bird language
  • engaging with our feelings about loss of nature
  • looking at how nature deals with stress and applying those insights to our own lives
  • using imagination to see the world from others’ perspectives
  • solstice and equinox ceremonies


Information about upcoming courses open to the public will be posted here.

new Deepening Nature Connnection course 2024 – info here

For bespoke courses or sessions please contact me to discuss options.

Nature connection practices can be included as part of life coaching.

Feedback from participants:

"I had an idea in my head and it turned out to be so much deeper than I expected. I grew spiritually and my relationship with nature has changed so much... This course has not only helped the way I relate to nature but also other people and all the relationships of all kinds I have."

"I am so happy to take what I have learnt to my family. I sat in the spot with my daughter & showed her what I had learnt about direction, place etc and she felt really grounded.. she’s very anxious.. and we were able to talk about what was happening in her life more easily and openly together." 

"The course felt relaxed, intuitive, enriching. You are obviously an expert in this area but did a great job not overwhelming the group and facilitating everyone within their own space. Your energy is at ease, lighthearted and I’m glad we all got to laugh so much and have a playful experience. Thank you for sharing and for holding the space."

"This course was not just a course, it was an unbelievably precious and vital stage of my awakening, of getting closer to my true Human Nature, to reclaim my authenticity, to living in truth. It was as big as that... I feel so much more grounded and strong, and powerful, while rooted in gentleness and compassion."

"Your sessions were just perfect as there was an element of fun, social interaction with nice people, nature and basic truth. Through them I have allowed myself to take the time to stop, feel, reflect, appreciate the moment, observing nature in silence, feel the silence, accepting, living, trusting, connect, reconnect, be gentle and all within nature’s help."